Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Divya parmar : Sponsers needed while struggling to achieve excellence.

MONEY does matter, My father had small businesss and mother was pharmasist. My father then had to concentrate on my YOGA career and visited with me at many places for my particiaption events. His business was so closed. But many persons cam forward to help us out. I am thankful to all those who directly or indirectly helped me to win the YOGA international events 3 times in a row. Sponsers do come, but mainly after one become successful. Sponsers needed when a talent is struggling to reach the excellence. I request all those coproarate sector to identify talents and support them financially for coaching, travelling, and promotion. 

1 comment:

  1. hi , i was impressed by your skills , i would like to invite you for my college talent show( show is on 7th march 2014) .if you are intrested please mail me as soon as possible mail; .
